Pick a winner in a draft

The prize is for a Canvas game In 8 easy steps

Requirements This toturial requeres access to the cinemataztic cloud, often this url: https://cloud.cinemataztic.com/

1.1 Find the name of the live game. Find the playlists

You can find playlist in the menu to the left

Click on playlist

1.2. Find the name of the live game. Find the right playlists Click on the playlist

Click on the playlist that is live, and contains the game that has the lottery tickets as a prize.

1.3. Find the name of the live game. Find the right game in this list

How to draft 3_ note the name and nr of the game

Note the name of the game, you will have to find it in another list!

#protip, Copy the name here! excluse the (nr) part.

2.1 Find the game: Find the list of all games

How to draft 4_ goto games and find the same gamename

Choose Games from the left menu.

2.2 Find the game: find the right game.

How to draft 5_ find relevant game

Choose the game from the list

#protip 1: if there are many games, use the search bar to search for the game. #protip 2: if you have copied the name earlyer you can paste it in here. #Protip 3: sometimes the page does not load all games, try reloading the page.

3.1 Get the audience list.

How to draft 6_ export audience

Click on the “Export audience” link

4.1 Adjust the audience

How to draft 7_ set start date, and not winners only and no hash

Chose the first date you want data from, you will get all winners from this to now!

DONT select “winners only” nor Hash the data (NOT AS THE SCREENSHOT)


Now you have a csv file with the data.

To use it open it in a spreadsheet.

How to do this in Google: open Google sheets make a new document import the file choose Import into active sheet, and custom item delimiter: “;” now the list should be easy to read in the spreadsheet.

This service can help pick a random number: https://numbergenerator.org/randomnumbergenerator/1-800 just replace 800 with the numbers of winners in the list